Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr Wiki

Before becoming an Inquisitor, you served the Imperium as a Death Cult Assassin, a specialist of deceit who expresses her worship through death.

Death Cults can be found on many Imperial worlds, paying their tithe to the Emperor with the culling of Heretics, Traitors and other enemies of Mankind.

Basic Traits[]

Inquisitors with a Death Cult background are deadly assassins, experts in hit-and-run tactics and exotic weapons. In combat they rely on their acrobatic skills and speed, thus preferring lighter armour and weapons.

  • Adrenaline Resource

Assassin Inquisitors must spend Adrenaline points to Dodge, use Exotic Weapons and Armour skills. Adrenaline is regained by wounding or killing enemies.

  • Exotic Equipment

Due to their status and training, Inquisitors with a Death Cult background can use the even most exotic wargear from the Imperial arsenals.

  • Dodge

Assassin Inquisitors can always use their Dodge ability to evade incoming attacks, regardless of the armour they wear.


The Assassin class has 3 secondary specialisations, or subclasses, Assassin, Infiltrator and Eradicator. The difference between the subclasses is most noticeable at the first few levels, as the subclasses unlock Passive Trees and Equipment types at different levels, but at higher levels the only difference will be the unique Perk which is not typically available for any other class or subclass.


Assassin infiltrator


  • Death Cult Blades and Assassin Power Sword

The Infiltrator has perfected the art of carving flesh with her two Death Cult Blades and the two-handed Power Sword. These deadly close combat weapons can launch a flurry of swift attacks and deal powerful killing blows.

  • Stealth Bodysuit

The Stealth Bodysuit grants chameleon-like abilities. Combined with the speed and agility of an Assassin Inquisitor that means Virtual invisibility for a limited time. Also equipped with a Remote Mine dispenser belt for ambush attacks.

  • Initial Perk:
    • Evasive Ambush +3 Dodge for every Surprise kill for 10 seconds (Stacks indefinitely)
  • Initial Skill Trees:
    • Close Combat
    • Support
    • Hit Point
    • Defense


Assassin sniper


  • Sniper Rifle and Autopistol

The Sniper is the master of killing from afar with the extremely powerful Sniper Rifle. The Assassin Inquisitor can aim for weak spots, crippling or disarming the target. The Autopistol is a capable backup for close range work.

  • Hololithic Armour

Another ancient and extremely rare armour, somewhat similar to the infamous Eldar Holo-field. The wearer can create Holographic projections about herself to confuse enemies and evade fire. Also equipped with a Stun Mine dispenser belt.

  • Initial Perk:
    • Run and Gun +35% Ranged Damage Bonus for 2 seconds after moving
  • Initial Skill Trees:
    • Ranged Combat
    • Single DPS
    • Aimed Shots
    • Movement
  • Attributes:
    • Accuracy 4
    • Survival 1
    • Bloodlust 1


Assassin eradicator


  • Shotgun and Sniper Rifle

Eradicators revel in butchery at point blank range, turning multiple targets into flechette-ridden meat, or they punch gaping holes into their enemies with solid slugs. For targets that are out of the reach of the Shotgun, they can revert to the Sniper Rifle.

  • Fabricator Distortion Armour

This relic armour is of an extreme rarity, almost unheard of outside the Caligari Sector. It uses ancient xeno-technology to give its wearer incredible speed for a short time by distorting the flow of time. Also equipped with a Refractor field generator.

  • Initial Perk:
    • Deadshot +60% Damage Bonus with Ranged Weapons when attacking from Surprise state
  • Initial Skill Trees:
    • Ranged Combat
    • Area Effects
    • Criticals
    • Defense
  • Attributes:
    • Accuracy 2
    • Survival 1
    • Bloodlust 3

Assassin Attributes[]

Attribute - Accuracy[]

+1% Base Damage per Point
Level I (5 Points) - Dismantle +10% Suppression Damage Bonus
Level II (10 Points) - Counter-blow +5 Suppression gained on hit
Level III (15 Points) - Exploitation +20% Damage Bonus in Surprise state
Level IV (20 Points) - Euphoria +5 HP gained on hit
Level V (25 Points) - Overdrive +10% Damage Bonus for 5 seconds on kill

Attribute - Survival[]

+20 HP and Suppression per Point and +0.5% Dodge per Point
Level I (5 Points) - Momentum +5% Dodge in Surprise state
Level II (10 Points) - Immuno-flux +2 seconds to Inoculator effect's duration
Level III (15 Points) - Quickening +5% Movement Speed
Level IV (20 Points) - Carnophagia + 40 HP gained on kill
Level V (25 Points) - Fluidity +10% Dodge for 5 seconds on kill

Attribute - Bloodlust[]

+2 Adrenaline and 0.25% Critical Hit Chance per Point
Level I (5 Points) - Hidden Reserve +0.5% HP and Suppression gained per Adrenaline point spent
Level II (10 Points) - Wounding +5 Critical Strength
Level III (15 Points) - Carnal Squeeze 1% Damage Bonus per Adrenaline point spent for 5 seconds
Level IV (20 Points) - Bodysurge +200% Adrenaline regeneration in Surprise state
Level V (25 Points) - Blessed Murder +5% Critical Hit Chance and Critical Strength for 5 seconds on kill
