Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr Wiki

Before rising to the rank of Inquisitor, you served as a Crusader, the holy warrior of the Adeptus Ministorum.

Crusaders display their devotion to the Emperor as honour guards or executioners, and such is the zeal of the Crusaders that it makes them ideal recruits for the Inquisition.

Basic Traits[]

Inquisitors with the Crusader background are fearsome warriors using heavy armour and weaponry. On the battlefield they relentlessly march through fire, like the legendary Juggernauts of the old Terran myths. They are the slowest of the three agent archetypes, trading mobility for protection and firepower.

  • Focus resource

Crusaders must spend Focus points to operate Power Armour and Heavy Weapon skills. Focus is a Crusader-exclusive resource, recharging with time at a fixed rate.

  • Melee Specialist

Only Crusaders are capable of wielding Shields and heavy Melee weapons, making them the most efficient close-quarters agents in open confrontations.

  • Power Armour

Crusaders are permitted to wear Power Armour, so they can soak up a tremendous amount of damage that would slay a mere mortal in seconds.



Crusader assault

Assault Class

The Assault Crusader is the master of hand-to-hand combat, wielding Power Sword and Suppression Shield or the two-handed, energy-infused Greatsword, cutting through several enemies at the same time or mitigating incoming damage with shocking efficiency.

A Power Armour equipped with a light but effective Jump Pack. The wearer is capable of making long jumps across the battlefield and deal impact damage at arrival. This powerful ability can be used for offensive and defensive purposes alike. Also equipped with a Refractor field generator.

  • Initial Perk:
    • Rabble Slayer +60% Melee Damage Bonus when Surrounded
  • Initial Skill Trees:
    • Close Combat
    • Support
    • Hit Point
    • Defense


Crusader tactical

Tactical Class

  • Laspistol and Autogun

The Tactical Crusader takes the fight to the enemy wielding the common, but versatile ranged weapons of the Imperium. They can be used for devastating burst fire and presice aimed shots alike, depending on the situation.

  • Sentinel Armour

An ancient Power Amour variant equipped with a sophisticated Tactical Cogitator and a Teleport Beacon System. The wielder can summon automated Tarantula Turrets from the dropship in orbit and wreak terrible havoc upon the enemy. Also equipped with a Stun Mine dispenser belt.

  • Initial Perk:
    • Run and Gun +35% Ranged Damage Bonus for 2 seconds after moving
  • Initial Skill Trees:
    • Ranged Combat
    • Single DPS
    • Support
    • Movement
  • Attributes:
    • Warfare 2
    • Toughness 2
    • Virtue 2

Heavy Gunner[]

Crusader heavy gunner

Heavy Gunner Class

  • Shotgun and Lasgun

The Heavy Gunner starts out with common Imperial armament, unlocking more potent weapons of mass destruction later down the path. The Shotgun is an ancient tool for close-quarters butchery, while the Lasgun is a versatile rifle for medium range encounters.

  • Demolition Armour

A heavy armour equipped with an auxiliary Missile Launcher system. This rare Power Armour variant was tailored specifically to the need of Inquisitorial retinues in need of fire support in desolate, isolated environments. Also equipped with a Frag Grenade dispenser belt.

  • Initial Perk:
    • Exalted Crusader +5% Damage Bonus on Kill for 5 seconds (Stacks 10 times)
  • Initial Skill Trees:
    • Ranged Combat
    • Area Effects
    • Support
    • Defense
  • Attributes:
    • Warfare 3
    • Toughness 2
    • Virtue 1

Crusader Attributes[]

Attribute - Warfare[]

+1% Base Damage per Point
Level I (5 Points) - Demolition +25% Damage Bonus against Cover
Level II (10 Points) - Deflection +5% Deflect
Level III (15 Points) - Mobility +5% Movement Speed
Level IV (20 Points) - Precision +5% Critical Hit Chance
Level V (25 Points) - Beast Lore +15% Bonus Damage against Elite and Boss Enemies

Attribute - Toughness[]

+40 HP and Suppression per Point
Level I (5 Points) - Haemophagia +10% Inoculator effectiveness
Level II (10 Points) - Rejuvenation +30 HP Regeneration per second
Level III (15 Points) - Salamandra +10 Heat Resist
Level IV (20 Points) - Fortitude +10 Physical Resist
Level V (25 Points) - Absorption 5% Damage Reduction

Attribute - Virtue[]

+2 Focus and +1% Suppression Damage Bonus per Point
Level I (5 Points) - Purity +10 Warp Resist
Level II (10 Points) - Unbending +250 Suppression
Level III (15 Points) - Vigor +0.5% HP and Suppression gained per Focus point spent
Level IV (20 Points) - Devotion +1 Focus per second
Level V (25 Points) - Juggernaut +10% Damage Bonus if Suppression Status is Green
