Before rising to the rank of Inquisitor, you served as a Primaris Psyker, drawing power from the Warp, shaping reality with your mind.
Psykers are sanctioned mutants, disdained, yet essential to the Imperium. They channel otherworldly energies to banish Daemons, but they always risk damnation and deadly backlash from the Immaterium.
Basic Traits[]
Inquisitors with a Primaris Psyker background are experts in harnessing the boundless power of the Warp. In combat they rely on their psychic powers, preferring light armour and psychically attuned weapons.
- Perils of the Warp
Psykers gain Warp Heat points as penalty for using psychic powers. Accumulating these points may spawn Warp anomalies or even Daemons. Warp Heat can be reduced by using Force Weapons.
- Psychic Powers
Due to their unique talents, only Inquisitors with the Primaris Psyker background are permitted to use Psychic powers.
- Force Weapons
Amplifying their wielder's Empyrean powers, Force Weapons can only be used by Psykers.
The Psyker has 3 secondary specialisations, or subclasses, Empyreanist, Aetherwalker and Scryer. The difference between the subclasses is most noticeable at the first few levels, as the subclasses unlock Passive Trees and Equipment types at different levels, but at higher levels the only difference will be the unique Perk which is not typically available for any other class or subclass.

The Force Staff is a psychic weapon, which is very hard to master: an arcane conduit to channel the wielder's amplified will into the target.
Even the existence of this ceremonial armour is fervently denied outside the Caligari Conclave. It uses long-forgotten xenotechnology to create a Warp anomaly that halts the flow of time for a short duration.
Also equipped with a Rosarius Force Field.
- Initial Perk:
- Mind Rift +45% Damage Bonus in Imperiled Warp Heat state
- Initial Skill Trees:
- Ranged Combat
- Area Effects
- Psychic Debuffs
- Psychic Combat
- Attributes:
- Force 2
- Resilience 1
- Psy Focus 3

- Force Sword and Force Rod
The Force Sword can be a formidable psychic weapon in the hands of a trained psyker, capable of banishing Daemons back to the Immaterium with a single strike, Combined with a Force Rod that stores raw psychic energy, only a few can weather the wrath and insanity of the Aetherwalker.
- Aetherwalker Armour
This ancient, psychically reactive armour phases its wearer between the Immaterium and Realspace, permitting them to travel short distances in the blink of an eye.
Also equipped with a Personal Void Shield generator.
- Initial Perk:
- Anointment +10% Damage Bonus for every active Psychic Power buff.
- Initial Skill Trees:
- Close Combat
- Hit Point
- Psychic Debuffs
- Psychic Combat
- Attributes
- Force 2
- Resilience 3
- Psy Focus 1

- Bolt Pistol and Force Rod
The Bolt Pistol is a sturdy, cumbersome weapon, firing mass-reactive bolts that detonate on impact or inside the target. Combined with a Force Rod that stores and channels raw psychic energy the Scryer wields the perfect combination of physical and otherworldly threat.
- Warpbound Armour
This lightly armoured, psychic-attuned suit permits the Psyker to project it disembodied presence over the physical world, to gaze beyond the veil, making the Scryer the master of virtually undetectable reconnaisance.
Also equipped with a Frag-grenade dispenser.
- Initial Perk:
- Blood Driven +20 Movement speed for on kill for 5 seconds (refreshes on kill).
- Initial Skill Trees:
- Ranged Combat
- Single DPS
- Psychic Combat
- Movement
- Attributes:
- Force 4
- Resilience 1
- Psy Focus 1
Psyker Attributes[]
Attribute - Force[]
+1% Base Damage per Point
Level I (5 Points) - Dismantle +10% Suppression Damage Bonus
Level II (10 Points) - Ethereal Drain +10 Damage Bonus when above 75% Warp Heat
Level III (15 Points) - Astral Bleed +20% Warp Damage Bonus
Level IV (20 Points) - Precision +5% Critical Hit Chance
Level V (25 Points) - Pain Channeling 1% Damage Bonus for Psychic Powers for every 2% missing of HP
Attribute - Resilience[]
+30 HP and Suppression and +1 Warp Resist per Point
Level I (5 Points) - Immuno-flux +1 seconds to Inoculator effects duration
Level II (10 Points) - Counter-blow +20 Suppression gained on hit
Level III (15 Points) - Quickening +7% Dodge Chance
Level IV (20 Points) - Bio-resist +6 to all Resists
Level V (25 Points) - Undying No self damage from Psychic Powers when above 80% Warp Heat
Attribute - Psy Focus[]
+2 Warp Heat and 0.05% Max Class Resource regeneration per Point
Level I (5 Points) - Daemonbane +30% Damage Bonus against Daemons
Level II (10 Points) - Concordia -10% Warp Heat cost of Psychic Powers
Level III (15 Points) - Attunement -2 Warp Heat on Force Weapon skill use
Level IV (20 Points) - Time Warp -10% Cooldown for Psychic Powers
Level V (25 Points) - Sanctic Aura +20% chance for beneficial Warp Anomalies